Why Travel Writing?

As my travel writing tutor explained at it most basic travel writing is explaining to the reader why they should want to go and visit. What a positive focus and reason for writing. It also means there lots to explore and opportunities to write. Everything from the local park and museum to those big lifetime trips.

So what would I write about?

Firstly, amazing places to visit within the United Kingdom.

As I live in London expect lots of suggestions about London. As I’ve lived in London for 10 plus years, my posts showcase all those wonderful, amazing and quirky places that London has to offer. From the world class museums to those small places that locals tend to go.

While London is a great city, it also near beaches, countryside and historic castles. So the blog will also showcase some wider places to explore. Whether it a trip to Eastbourne, Cornwall, Scotland or further afield. I’m hoping give me a chance to have some new adventures and see a bit of a world and share them with you and why you would want to go and visit.

Secondly, the post will highlight some amazing places to visit in Europe and further afield. These posts will be rarer, as I don’t travel internationally as much as I used to.

What about the other stuff?

Who goes on holiday, and just looks at stuff? We read, we take pictures, go to the threatre, relax. And we figure out how to pay for the holiday and all the fun. So my blog will cover other fun stuff that I hope can give you inspiration, and insight.

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